Have you ever wondered what it really looks like on a day to day basis to use essential oils? I never could have imagine before I was introduced to oils that I would use them so routinely every single day!⁣ ⁣ For me, starting off my day right has a significant effect on how the […]

Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Whether you’re a die-hard essential oil fan or just getting started, you probably have questions about essential oils you’re searching for answers to, like “Are essential oils safe for kids?” and “What’s a Vitality oil anyway?” and maybe even “What the heck are essential oils?” Well, you came to the right place! We’re answering all these questions and more […]

Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

As you know, many commercial products are laden with toxins and nasty chemicals. Fortunately, you have safer alternatives when it comes to cleaners, personal care items, products for kids and pets, and even makeup. Wondering where to find items made from natural, plant-based ingredients? This list is a good place to start when switching to […]

Did you know that almost all household cleaners (even those labeled as “green”) are filled with a list as long as your arm of cancer-causing chemicals that have been shown to have adversely damaging effects on your body? Real talk. These household cleaning agents have carcinogens in them which are known hormone disruptors — they […]